Falling Walls Engage Pitches is a global pitch competition that gives a platform to breakthroughs in Science Engagement. The 2022 edition will be hosted as a physical event from 7 - 9 November in Berlin, Germany. Falling Walls Engage is a global platform for Science Engagement, hosted by the Falling Walls Foundation in cooperation with the Robert Bosch Stiftung.
We believe that public trust and involvement in science have a central role in addressing global challenges, achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and contributing to the overall wellbeing of society. Learn more about us and our mission here.
Nominate or apply here: https://globalcall.falling-walls.com/
Nominate an individual or organization running an inspiring project or apply with your own project to become the 2022 Breakthrough of the Year in Science Engagement. The deadline is 15 May 2022.
With our Global Call for Applications and Nominations open we welcome projects that actively engage the public with science through participatory formats of all kinds and sizes. Please find more information on the application criteria, benefits and the process here.
Save the dates for this year: 7–9 November 2022 for Falling Walls Science Summit, and 1–10 November 2022 for Berlin Science Week.
Source, photo: Falling Walls Foundation GmbH