Europa Nostra, the European Students' Association for Cultural Heritage (ESACH) and the European Heritage Tribune met online on 16 February to launch the second edition of the European Heritage Youth Ambassadors (EHYA) Programme. 20 young heritage students/professionals – coming from a wide range of countries, such as Malta, Finland, Portugal, Syria or Lebanon, and with diverse backgrounds, from art history and law to architecture and archaeology – were selected to take part in this year's edition.
By giving a voice to the youth of Europe and beyond, the EHYA Programme seeks to encourage intergenerational exchange and capacity building. The engagement of young people as agents of cultural heritage is a key priority for Europa Nostra's future work. Over 500 young members coming from 53 countries have joined our organisation since 2019. Young people (up to 33 years old) are welcomed to join Europa Nostra free-of-charge.
Source, photo: Europa Nostra